21 MAI

The Styling workshop, One of your skin’s layer. How to find your DNA?

21 mai 10h00 13h00

Discover the transformative power of understanding and harnessing this silent communication through our workshop.
Feelings of confidence and self-assurance extend beyond mere words; they’re intricately tied to how we present ourselves, including the clothing we wear, what Thara calls a layer of our skin, our ‘public skin.’
In this enlightening session, you’ll unlock the secrets of non-verbal communication and style enhancement through 12 golden rules meticulously crafted for empowerment.
Whether you’re seeking to boost confidence, refine your personal style, or simply better understand the language of the body, this workshop is tailored for you.

Who is it for?
This workshop is designed for anyone who views the body as architecture and seeks to master the art of non-verbal communication.

Contrary to popular belief, being stylish isn’t synonymous with being fashionable. Style is an intrinsic part of your identity, residing deep within your DNA. Through this workshop, you’ll learn to distinguish between the two and uncover your unique style DNA.

How can you improve your style?

In just three hours, Thara will guide you through twelve golden principles, empowering you to sculpt your body language and refine your clothing choices, ultimately allowing your authentic self to shine.

Join Thara on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and let’s redefine the way you communicate and express yourself, beyond words.

Thara Ladrech is the founder of Maison little Tribu.

Her Playground
-Interior design and stylist workshops
-Curator of artits
-Built and re-built Ikea stores
-Create concept stores
-Stores and gallery scenographies
-Pop-up events
-Ikebana floral installations

Her Background
-Graduated of Business school, EDHEC group
-Graduated of Design school, Ecole Boulle, Paris
-Graduated of Ikebana floral arrangement, Sogetsu School
-Feng Shui expert
-Different managing positions for Fnac, Pinault Printemps, La Redoute, Danone Group

Workshop for FAJ members only upon registration. Very limited spots.
The workshop will be held in English.

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