23 MAI

Masterclass : Project Management fundamentals

23 mai 18h30 20h30

70% of projects fail due to inadequate preparation and ineffective planning. Join this training session to overcome these common pitfalls where you’ll dive into the fundamentals of Project Management and its methodologies.

Gain valuable insights into project planning and learn how to navigate unforeseen challenges effectively. Main subject to be discussed during the session :

  • Intro: Project management in 4 phases
  • Project chart (Scope / Out of scope, Main roles, SMART KPI, the concept of why [Vs. how and what]
  • Planning / How to breakdown a project
  • Budget
  • Follow-up and communication
  • Adjust your project & Risk Management

By the end of the session, you’ll walk away with practical cheat sheets on Project Management to support your future projects.

Laura Staub: Program Manager, Corporate Trainer and Transformation Coach.

Having grown up in France, Laura has worked in 19 countries over 14 years, specializing in operations, complex program transformation and change management. She speaks four languages: French, English and Spanish are all native to her, and she has a basic proficiency in Japanese.

Her journey has taken her from a career as a Transformation Program Manager in Operations Strategy at Asmodee, the global leader in board games, to a life as an entrepreneur.

Currently based in Tokyo, she helps clients set and achieve ambitious personal and professional goals both onsite and remotely.

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